Sunday, June 08, 2008

Ahhh, the garden...

I've been seriously obsessing with my martial arts training and somewhat letting the garden go... each weekend I weed and deadhead, but now the tomatoes are starting to get ahead of me, so looks like every 2-3 days I'll be out there harvesting. It's a wonderful feeling! The sun is warm, but not too hot (about 91F outside right now) and I just grabbed about 8 ripe or almost-ripe tomatoes. Sadly, lost 3 to birds or animals-- but did find two lusciously ripe strawberries hidden under the leaves, and I got a handful of carrots too. The carrots are only about 4" long but they're sweet and cute, and I'm very proud of myself. Next year, I have to devote an entire bed just to the fruits/veg (transplant the roses elsewhere) and I need much sturdier tomato cages. I think I'll need bell pepper cages too-- the fruit are starting to turn red on the edges and they're so big, they drag the plants down to the ground. I took some pics but Mitch is away on a conference until Thursday so I probably won't upload till next weekend.

1 comment:

sonu said...

hey i hve seen urt blogg and its nice and i enjoyed ur trip as u do after reading it hehe and i wish u a happy marreid life.