Saturday, June 27, 2009

Ahh, the weekend... -2.6

I had a great roll with Scott yesterday-- great for me because I was just playing around, wasn't really trying to win, trying to get in good positions and observe what he did... improved my halfguard passing, saw two armbars, survived some choke attempts, and he was extravagantly complimentary, which was nice to hear even though I believed about half of it.

Last night had some jits friends show up for salsa, and of course, they picked up so quickly! There are neural pathways they've polished so the new movements seem to get into the brain more easily.

My weight is going in the right direction again, which is to say DOWN, hooray! I need to be a little more resistant to the late night snack (last night after salsa, my hungry husband fried some eggs, made rice, and cooked up little sausages, so I was compelled to eat at least 8 of the sausages. Woe.)

The garden is doing nicely-- lots of happy roses, agapanthus, hummingbird bush, butterfly bush, and even some ripening tomatoes. But my gardenia lost about 5 buds to some kind of strange black speckles-turned-to-rot. So I sprayed with some organic insecticide/fungicide/miticide and we'll see what happens. I needed to spray the roses for rust and the zinnias for powdery mildew anyway.

Today is a very exciting day-- I hope my best friend has her baby today (she's not in labor yet to my knowledge) and I am going to an event tonight that I will discuss tomorrow... but it's a happy event :) :) Anyway, off to jits soon. Phew.

1 comment:

Wm Blaker, printer said...

"fried some eggs, made rice, and cooked up little sausages"

Oh gosh I'm drooling...6 ounces of nonfat cottage cheese and a banana for breakfast will do that to you.